Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society

Location: Myanmar

Area: Evaluation of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society

Website: http://www.svenskafreds.se


Key Activity:

1 May 2017 – 31 July 2017

The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (SPAS) is the world’s oldest and Scandinavia’s largest peace organization. The programme Building sustainable peace in Myanmar, is a civil society to civil society cooperation.

The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society’s (SPAS) Sweden-funded Building sustainable peace in Myanmar was implemented together with the partner organisation Ar Yone Oo – Social Development Association (AYO) and eight local civil society organisations. The programme aimed at increased participation and influence of women, youth and ethnic minorities in local and regional peace processes in Myanmar, takes a broad approach to peace, working to promote sustainable peace.

The purpose of IPC Myanmar evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and, in particular, the impact of SPAS Sida-funded programme in Myanmar. This included measuring qualitative and quantitative results related to the baseline study and results framework of the programme. The task also includes assessing unintended as well as intended consequences of the programme. The evaluation was carried out by an IPC Myanmar team composed by Maurizio Raineri and Olof Nunez.


Location: Myanmar

Area: Baseline Study and Conflict & Risk Analysis

Website: http://www.svenskafreds.se


Key Activity

December 2017 to February 2018

The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (SPAS) program (see Key Activities I above) was seeking an extension of its programme in Myanmar and contracted IPC Myanmar to carry out a Baseline Study as well as a Conflict and Risk Analysis. The focus of the consultancy was to:

  1. Assess background information from programme reports, partner’s analysis and future plans.
  2. Analyse the context and conduct a baseline study both for the suggested overall programme outcomes and outputs and in the different geographical and thematic areas that SPAS and the 10 partner organisations are active in.
  3. Assess background materials and conduct a conflict analysis regarding the peace processes
  4. Assess background materials and conduct a risk analysis


The Baseline Study and Conflict & Risk Analysis was carried out by an IPC Myanmar team composed by Maurizio Raineri and Olof Nunez.

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